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There is little doubt that the dental board examination will be one of the more grueling exercises that you will encounter. It stands between you and becoming a dentist, and it is how the state knows whether you can competently do the job of being a dentist. How you prepare for the test is every bit as important as what you learn. Here are some tips to study for the Dental Board Exams.
Organize Yourself
When studying for a test, you should get the most “bang for your buck.” In other words, study time should be efficient. Organizing yourself means that you have a master study plan. Every day, you should have a plan of attack for what you want to accomplish.[1]
The dental boards have multiple topics and practice-based areas. You may be stronger in some than in others. Either way, you should have a study schedule that sketches out which topics you will cover each day. In addition, you should plan for milestones in your study, such as taking practice exams.
Your organization should also include finding what study routine works best for you. When you find the right routine, stick to it until test day. More than anything, effective studying is all about habits. If you can manage your time properly, you should be able to cover all the topics that you need to by the day of the exam and not be in a race against time.[2]
Get to Know the Test
As much as learning the materials, you need to learn the test itself. The dental boards have their own structure and rhythm, and you should understand the mechanics of the test. One of the major features of the test is the length.
One way to learn the test itself is to take as many practice exams as you can. This will get you used to how the state asks questions. It will also prepare you for the length of the exam. The dental boards are a very long exam, and they will test your stamina and endurance. Like any athlete, you can extend your mental concentration by taking long practice exams more often.
By taking practice exams, you can also learn the areas where you need more help. There will be a common theme of subjects where you could use more work. Completing regular practice exams will counsel and guide your study. With the internet, there are scores of practice exams available.[3] It may be difficult to find a lot of exams for free online. If so, you may need to purchase access to practice tests.
Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Study for the Dental Board Exams
The dental boards are testing you on everything that you have learned over the course of years. This is not the same as a midterm or final exam, where you have one topic or just a few to cover. Accordingly, time could become a major issue. The closer you get to the exam without studying, the more that you will stress.
You can relax and study more effectively when you begin early according to a plan. You will have the time to cover what you need to each day. The alternative is trying to cram many topics in at the last minute. This type of studying will be counterproductive. You can relax and have more effective intellectual capacity when you spread things out over time.[1]
Get Advice
Plenty of dentists have been in your shoes before you. Everyone has needed to take dental boards, and they may have helpful advice. Talk to dentists, or even your professors, to learn how they managed to get through this period. People will have their own study tips based on what worked for them. Get the best advice from everyone, and select the best ideas that could work for you.[1]
Find an Outlet
Nobody can study for 24 hours a day. Besides sleep, you will need to find some other things to do with your time that could recharge your batteries. You should have other things in your life besides studying that keep your mind sharp when it’s time to hit the books. Everyone has their own outlet that works for them. Whatever your happy space is, try to find it. Then, your study time will be much more effective.
Both your mental and physical health are important when studying for the dental boards. Of course, doing the work is important, but you will not be able to if you get sick. Don’t lose sight of yourself when you’re focused on your goal.[4]
Take Test Prep
While there are more resources than ever available online, you should learn how to take this exam. The dental boards are an exam unlike any other, and you need advice on test-taking strategies. Although these test-prep classes require a significant investment, anything that increases your chances of passing the dental boards on the first try is well worth it.[5]
Once you have used all these tips and successfully passed the dental boards, it’s time to begin your associate position. This is where Henry Schein Nationwide Dental Opportunities can help. We have a deep and broad network and access to many job postings. Practices come to us because they know that we work with dental associates. The combination benefits job seekers.
Exam candidates need to take the dental boards seriously. The good news is that, with the right study system and habits, you can be successful. You can look forward to your career, and we can help, so reach out to us today.
[1] https://www.treloaronline.com/blog/study-tips-to-help-prepare-you-for-the-dental-board-exams
[2] https://internationaldentistcentral.com/a-complete-study-plan-for-your-nbde-exams/
[3] https://www.ada.org/en/jcnde/inbde/test-preparation
[4] https://www.dentistryiq.com/dental-hygiene/student-hygiene/article/16367995/board-exams-4-tips-for-lowering-anxiety-during-dental-hygiene-boards
[5] https://www.varsitytutors.com/nbde-courses_classes